After the last tree is
felled, Christ will come back.
(James G. Watt, Interior
Secretary under President Ronald Reagan)
The white men were roused
by a mere instinct of self-preservation—until at last there had
sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the
South, to protect the Southern country.
(President Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921)
A bunch of cowboys camping
(Michele Fiore, Nevada
Assemblywoman, and self-appointed defender of white terrorists who
occupied Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon)
The short explanation
D. It's called the Wise Use
doctrine (mentioned in “The problem with America is...”) and has
been around for some 30 years. It's anything but “wise.” It is
part and parcel of Libertarian philosophy. The central tenant is that
private ownership is always better than public ownership.
The white terrorists who
occupied the Malheur Refuge claimed that they believed in the Wise
Use doctrine. The livestock industry, oil and gas and various
developers will often profess to be supporters of Wise Use, but it
would not be overly cynical to think that philosophical doctrine is
not what guides many of these bottom feeders.
For the Wise Use true
believer, land is worth only what people will pay for it. If you
can't make a buck in some way it has no value. The private market by
its very nature exists to commodify natural resources and turn them
into consumer goods. Most important, it attempts to externalize
By some estimates, if the
world's largest corporations were actually responsible for their
costs of pollution and other damages to the environment, something
like one-third of their profits would disappear. Another study
estimated that the combined world damage to the environment in 2008
was something like $22 trillion!
Land management in the U.S.
is important and in need of intelligent changes and modifications
that reflects a 21st century reality, but the Wise Use
movement is largely another dreary American hustle that has the
stench of the 19th century and the Gilded Age. A number of
years ago I wrote a series of articles about one of America's best
scams, entitled America's Turf Terror (I). Time to put a stake in the
heart of the Wise Use scam.
E. Even though meat
consumption in the United States has decreased, it is increasing in
the developing world because of rising standards of living. It has
been devastating to the planet's rainforests and wildlife.
If one were to take the
agricultural business in general in the U.S., billions of dollars is
subsidies go exclusively to corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, much of
which ends up feeding animals. Western ranchers are one of the
largest recipients of federal welfare programs. Something like $500
million in taxpayer money in 2014 went to ranchers getting
below-market value leases to graze their cattle on public lands.
F. The Ammon Bundy gang that
occupied the Oregon wildlife sanctuary this past January could end up
costing the taxpayers several millions of dollars. These ignorant
thugs, as we've learned, desecrated sacred Native American sites at
Malheur, built roads through Paiute Indian grounds, and trenches dug
adjacent to sacred ground contained human feces. So much for the
professed respect.
Cliven Bundy, the patriarch
of this family, whose ranch in Nevada adjoins thousands of acres of
public lands, allows his cattle to graze wherever they wish. He lets
them run wild until he decides to trap and kill one. He apparently
does not vaccinate or treat his cattle for disease and seemingly does
not manage or control breeding. Yup, we'll let Cliven Bundy be the
poster child for privatization and welfare capitalism.
Oh yes, not discussed is the
progress that could be lost between ranchers and environmentalists
because of the occupation, possible revenue and job losses to the
county and, last, the wildlife itself. The many birds arrive in the
spring to breed. Much work still remains to be done in preparation
for their arrival.
Which way to the Emerald
Prohibition in the 1920s was
probably one of the worst examples of public policy that the country
ever implemented. But, like today, America was undergoing huge
The W.A.S.P. establishment
was losing political power, people were moving to urban areas,
immigrants were becoming citizens, African-Americans were going north
looking for a better life, women had the vote, and a great many
Americans were simply frightened and angry at the speed of these
A backlash occurred. The
membership of the Ku Klux Klan grew enormously, especially in the
north, religious fundamentalism attempted to push back against
science and evolution and politicians railed against the “other.”
“I want my country back,” and “it's the government's fault”
were heard in the 1920s as well.
Yes, we Americans are mad at the present time,
even if in some cases we can't actually explain who or what we're mad
at. For many Americans, especially a large segment of white America,
there is a sense that they've been duped and manipulated for
generations. Well, they have. So what's the strategy?
Sell a country! Why not
sell the air, the great sea, as well as the earth?
(Tecumseh, 1768-1813,
Additional Farm Subsidity Data The anger supporting Donald Trump, by Thomas Frank Yes they are actual terrorists Farm Subsidity Data The anger supporting Donald Trump, by Thomas Frank Yes they are actual terrorists
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