I can hire one-half of the working
class to kill the other half
(Jay Gould, 19th century
financier and speculator)
Exceptional American exceptionalism
Thomas Piketty, the French economist,
with the publication of Capital in the Twenty-first Century has
seemingly stirred up the sleepy and bloodless world of modern
economic theory and its bland, oftentimes, pseudo-scientific
gibberish. Yes, inequality cannot be understood independently of
politics. Some of those 19th century economists, like
Karl Marx and David Ricardo, did have some extremely important
insights about how the world actually works—then and now.
In regard to income created by work,
inequality (the level of inequality) in the U.S., according to
Piketty, is “probably higher than in any other society at any time
in the past, anywhere in the world.”
The Jones Plantation
Mind of the sociopath
Martijn van den Heuvel of the
University Medical Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands recently
announced that they have completed the first detailed map of any
mammal's neural network. It's called the Allen Mouse Brain
Connectivity Atlas.
While a similar mapping of the human
brain is still many years away, this is a first step in understanding
medical conditions such as bi-polar disorders, schizophrenia and
autism. It is about connections and the complexity of brain
connectivity. Now, if we are able in the not too distant future, to
understand human predation and how to make the necessary adjustments
to those neural networks, we could possibly look forward to a future
where humankind might make a positive contribution to our planet's
well being.
Of course, economic theory and
neuroscience aside, how do you actually go about—in this day and
age—of bringing the existing structure to an end and rebuilding
anew? Possibly remembering some old ideas.
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