I see in the near future a
crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the
safety of my country.... Corporations have been enthroned and an era
of corruption in high places will follow....
(President Abraham
Lincoln, 1864)
Season of everyone's
The Roman poet Virgil said
more than 2,000 years ago, “Blessed is he who has succeeded in
finding out the causes of things.”
The cause,
easier said than done. In the United States the dreary political
season is upon us, not because we don't have the general right to
elect our political representatives (at least for the moment), but
because we have chosen to make the process as banal, corrupt and
irrelevant as possible.
A book worth reading while
wending your way through the spreading inanity of “talking”
snakes, stupid billionaires, the “zombie apocalypse,” barely
literate politicians and a confused citizenry is entitled The Swerve,
by literary historian and Pulitzer prize winner Stephen Greenblatt.
While a handful of critics
have suggested that the book does not have sufficient academic
gravitas, it is a fascinating story for a general—and
literate—audience. That's what makes it a compelling read.
It is about the very real
discovery of the book hunter
Poggio Bracciolini in the early fifteenth century and what he
uncovered in a monastery in Germany, an ancient poem by the Roman
poet Lucretius, which influenced the Renaissance, the scientific
revolution, men like Darwin, Einstein and Thomas Jefferson. Above
all, it seems to me, it says something about human curiosity and
optimism, even when everything else appears bleak and hopeless. It is
a reason to keep going on and not give in.
to change
of the Mouths of Children—in Canada
out while you can. While you still believe. While you still have a
of Dr. Fredericks, in the movie The Good Shepherd)
you're infatuated with unfettered free markets, just visit
[Pakistan's] Waziristan.
and Morals by NYT columnist Nicholas D. Kristof)
About Health Care Differently
Krugman: Falling Apart
GrowingEducation Divide in Cities (the cities that make it)
Thehigh price of 'dark fusion' (government propaganda for Americans)
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